Tuesday, December 18, 2012


This is one in the first of a series of self portraits I plan to create. This one is colored pencil on handmade rag paper.

Scary Joy

 Sometimes you can be so happy that its slightly terrifying.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Seamonkey See, Seamonkey Do

This is my first screen printed continuous pattern! Seamonkeys were one of the first pets I have ever had. This print is inspired by the first time I got them when I was little. After the while they got crazy busy so the little plastic tank was just a squirmy mess. Then I accidentally knocked it over one day. I have lived with the guilt of all those tiny lives on my hands forever.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sherman Shrimp

 I made this for the Turning the Tide Contest. I made it to the second round!  But alas not to the final round. But that's ok cause created Sherman Shrimp.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Baby Back

I submitted this for a contest to raise awareness of declining amphibian populations around the world.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Leech Party

This is my attempt at silkscreen patterns. I want to redo it on fabric and start trying to design some more patterns.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bellezon's Blubbery Beau

Bellezon was the most beautiful Cycolpzen in all her city. No one expected her to fall head over heels for the hideous swamp monster king from the wrong side of carnivorous algae lake . This was my first time I tried to make a bigger screen print. I kept it simple and experimented with different surfaces and printing technique. This is the hand colored version that I really hated and was going to submit it to a show. Then looked at it a couple days later and it didn't look to bad.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A little  Illustration I did for a Children's book show. It from a series I am going to start about children and their unusual pets. I love alliteration so each one will have a little poem and go in alphabetical order.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Interloper

This is the piece that I did for Iowa State University's 12th Annual postcard exchange. The theme was "Disguise". I did a small little lino print with little invading invisible  aliens. I got lots of cool prints back from places all over the country. I even go 2 from Australia! I'll defiantly be doing it again next time around.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Second Screen Print!

This is a print I tried on wood. I think I am going to have to mate my new found love of screen printing and wood carving into an awesome art baby.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Word Play

This is my new stress relief, random words I drew with colored pencils on home made paper. I forgot how much I love colored pencils.

This piece into the message and medium show at philamoca!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Somewhere in the black backwoods of space...

So I started to doodle a fancy cyclops a couple weeks ago. I wanted there to be some sort of narrative. But my brain preoccupied with lust for leftover fudge. Here is a challenge if anyone is interested. From the first two pictures write me the beginning of this story. Who is she? Where is she going? What is her reason for existing? Tell me what you think!